Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells. Many different kinds of chemotherapy medicines and treatment plans are available. The kind of medicines given, and how often they are needed, will depend on the type of cancer you have, how it responds to treatment, and how your body responds and copes with treatment. At Icon, we will talk your through your treatment plan and why it’s the best possible approach for you.

Understanding chemotherapy, side effects, treatment costs and FAQs.
Looking for treatment? Contact your nearest Icon Cancer Centre
What is chemotherapy?What is chemotherapy?
How is chemotherapy given?
Chemotherapy is typically given as an outpatient at a day hospital like our Icon chemotherapy treatment centres. We believe that delivering cancer care, closer to home is an important part of delivering the best possible care for our patients.
Treatment may be given orally, through a needle inserted into the vein (known as a catheter), directly into the organ or tissues affected by the cancer, or as a cream. Chemotherapy is usually given in multiple courses (cycles) for a set amount of time, or for as long as the treatment is effective. Having the treatment in cycles allows time for the healthy cells in your body to recover between treatments.
Chemotherapy may be used on its own, or in combination with other types of treatment, such as before or after surgery or radiation therapy, or together with radiation therapy.
Visit Icon’s cancer information library for more on how chemotherapy works.

Download your free Cancer Diagnosis Checklist
Be more informed and have an active role in your care; download ‘Questions to Ask Your Doctor After Cancer Diagnosis’.
As your treatment is unique to you and your clinical circumstances, a consultation is usually required to give a single and accurate answer to this question. However, there is some key information to remember.
If choosing to be treated by a private provider such as Icon Cancer Centre, private health insurance is required.
In Australia, out-of-pocket treatment costs, if any, will depend on your health insurance policy level of cover.
At Icon, we have no-gap agreements with most private health funds—this means no out-of-pocket costs—for admitted Medicare Benefits (MBS) services.
Reach out to our team at your nearest Icon Cancer Centre to discuss the cost of chemotherapy treatment.

What are the side effects of chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy works by destroying cancer cells. However, some healthy cells are also damaged, and it is this damage that causes many of the more common side effects of chemotherapy.
Side effects vary depending on the drugs used and your own body and tolerance to treatment. Most side effects are temporary and can be treated or managed. Everyone is different, and you’re unlikely to experience all of the side effects listed here.

Can hair loss be minimised?
For many cancer patients, hair loss is a deeply emotional side effect of treatment. Scalp cooling technology helps to minimise hair loss associated with chemotherapy treatment.
The scalp cooling system reduces the temperature of a patient’s scalp by a few degrees immediately before, during and after the administration of chemotherapy. The cooling effect reduces blood flow to hair follicles and can therefore minimise hair loss.
Scalp cooling technology is available at a number of Icon Cancer Centres across Australia as an added service for patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
Read about Bronwyn’s experience with scalp cooling during her treatment at Icon.
Patients share their chemo experience
In this video, Colin, Debbie, and Margaret walk you through their experience starting chemotherapy, including some of the side effects they encountered (side effects at 5min 15sec).
At Icon, we are always here to help our patients find ways to manage any side effects that experienced.
Find chemotherapy treatment close to home.
Our mission is to deliver the best cancer care possible, as close to home as possible. Talk to our team at your nearest centre about being treated at Icon; we’re here to answer your questions.
Understanding Chemotherapy
with Dr James Morton AM
Icon Director of Haematology Dr James Morton answers questions about chemotherapy, how it is used to treat cancers and what a patient can expect undergoing treatment.
What to expect during treatment
with Nurse Unit Manager, Colleen
Nurse Unit Manager, Colleen, shares what to expect during treatment, how your nurse can support you and ways to continue to live well while undergoing chemotherapy.
A patient’s perspective
with chemotherapy patient, Colin
Colin shares his story about receiving a diagnosis, including what to expect during chemotherapy treatment and offers his advice on how to get through their own journey.
Each person responds differently to chemotherapy, and this also applies to weight. Some people may lose weight, while others may gain weight. Your cancer may also affect your weight. If you have any concerns about your weight during treatment, please raise them with your doctor.
Some people receiving chemotherapy will lose their hair, depending on the type of drugs you receive. Your doctor or nurse will be able to tell you whether your particular treatment will cause hair loss.
Some vitamins and medicines can interfere with the effects of chemotherapy. Please provide your doctor with a list of the medicines you are currently taking, including over-the-counter medicines. If you start taking any new medicines during your treatment please let your doctor know.
It’s recommended you do some light exercise, such as walking, to help manage fatigue and improve well being. Studies have shown that exercising during your therapy is associated with an improved outcome.
Your ability to continue to work will depend on the nature of your work, your type of treatment and how well you feel during your treatment. Please discuss this with your doctor.
There may be certain activities you won’t be able to participate in during your treatment. This will depend on the treatment you are having, your diagnosis and your blood counts at the time. If you are unsure about whether you should take part in a particular activity, please speak with your doctor or nurse.
Chemotherapy can affect the production of blood cells in your body, including your white blood cells, which protect against infection. When your white blood cells are low, you are more at risk of developing a cold or infection. During this time, it’s important to avoid people who are unwell.
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Find out how to become a patient at Icon Cancer Centre, or request more information from your nearest centre.

Download Your Guide: Preparing for Cancer Treatment
This free guide provides information and advice to help you prepare for and manager your cancer treatment.
Care at Icon
At Icon, care is more than just a word. Our cancer care team are here to support you with compassion, knowledge and hope.
Starting chemotherapy
At Icon, we believe in a personal approach to chemotherapy treatment. This means that you will receive a personalised chemotherapy plan for your specific needs.