Profile picture of Raymond Banh

Dr Raymond Banh

Profile picture of Raymond Banh


Clinical Haematologist
South Brisbane
07 3737 4701

Dr Raymond Banh takes a measured, compassionate and empathetic approach to caring for his patients. He brings a wealth of experience to his practice and helps patients navigate often complex issues, supporting them every step of the way.


Dr Raymond Banh is an experienced clinical haematologist at Icon Cancer Centre South Brisbane and Icon Cancer Centre Wesley. He graduated from the University of Western Australia in 1998 and completed his postgraduate training in Perth, receiving Fellowships to the Royal Australian College of Physicians and Royal Australasian College of Pathologists in 2007. He was awarded a Leukaemia Foundation Fellowship to undertake research in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and was subsequently appointed Staff Specialist at the Mater Adults Hospital in 2008.

He has held a number of senior positions, including as Director of Clinical Haematology (Head of Unit) as well as Director of the Stem Cell Transplant and Laboratory Service at Mater Hospital. His clinical practice in both public tertiary level care and private practice, has given him broad experience in both malignant and non-malignant blood disorders including lymphoma, leukaemias (particular interest in CLL), myeloma, myelodysplasia, myeloproliferative disorders (eg. CML) and autologous stem cell transplantation. He also has experience in managing obstetric haematology, red cell disorders (being responsible for the care of the largest Thalassemia service in Queensland) and complex thrombosis and haemostasis.

Dr Banh is a Senior Lecturer with the University of Queensland, a past Chair and member of the Mater Medical Education Committee and has undertaken teaching and clinical supervision including as examiner for medical students and post-graduate trainees. Dr Banh has extensive experience in research at the Mater Hospital including as Chair of the Haematology Research Unit and as Principal Investigator in many multinational trials. He has supervised early career researchers, served on advisory committees and boards for Queensland Health and industry, as well as on the Human Research Ethics Committee at Mater.

Clinical safety, quality and evidence-based care is a passion for Dr Banh. He has had extensive involvement in quality activities, including as Chair of the Transfusion Committee and involvement in review and writing of clinical guidelines. Dr Banh brings a wealth of experience in managing patient centered and cost-effective care, helping patients to navigate often complex issues with care and empathy. When not at work he enjoys travelling, electronic gadgets and spending time with his family (and meeting the demands of his daughter).

Dr Ray Banh can converse in both English and conversational Chinese, and looks forward to caring for patients and their families in their preferred language.


雷蒙德·彭(Raymond Banh)医生

临床医学学士、澳大利亚皇家内科医学院荣授院士、澳大利亚皇家病理科医学院荣授院士(MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA)


雷蒙德·彭医生任职于卫斯理和南布里斯班艾肯癌症中心(Icon Cancer Centre South Brisbane and Wesley),并在新利班专家诊所(Sunnybank Specialists Suites)坐诊。他于1998年毕业于西澳大利亚大学(University of Western Australia),在珀斯完成研究生培训,于2007年被澳大利亚皇家内科医学院(Royal Australian College of Physicians)和澳大利亚皇家病理科医学院(Royal Australasian College of Pathologists)授予院士头衔。他曾获得白血病基金会奖学金,负责在在亚历山德拉公主医院(Princess Alexandra Hospital)从事慢性淋巴细胞白血病方面的研究。随后,他于2008年被任命为玛特成人医院(Mater Adults Hospital)专科医生。


彭医生是昆士兰大学(University of Queensland)的高级讲师,曾任玛特医学教育委员会(Mater Medical Education Committee)主席及成员,并承担过教学和临床监督工作,包括担任医学生和研究生的主考官。彭医生有在玛特医院从事研究工作的丰富经验,包括担任血液学研究单位(Haematology Research Unit)主席和多个跨国试验的首席研究员的经验。他曾督导过早期职业研究人员,也曾在昆士兰健康部(Queensland Health)及行业的咨询委员会及董事会,以及玛特医院的人类研究伦理委员会(Human Research Ethics Committee)任职。



Special Interests

Dr Raymond Banh accepts referrals for malignant and non-malignant blood disorders, with a special clinical interest in:

  • Haematology
  • Leukaemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Myeloproliferative neoplasms
  • Obstetric haematology

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Mandarin

Visiting Locations

  • Sunnybank Private Hospital

Affiliations & Memberships

  • Australian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Study Group (ALLG)
  • Australian Medical Association (AMA)
  • European Haematology Association (EHA)
  • Haematology Society of Australia and NZ (HSANZ)
  • Royal Australian College of Physicians (RACP)
  • Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA)
  • Thrombosis and Haemostasis society of Australia and New Zealand (THANZ)


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