80-year-old Warrnambool local Rita Leddin feels very fortunate to have received a breast cancer diagnosis when she did. When Rita turned 70 she was told she wouldn’t need to worry about mammograms anymore, and to only book one if and when she wanted for peace of mind. After receiving a final mammogram in her mid-70s, she went another two years without giving breast screening a second thought.
It was after her sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer in both of her breasts that Rita wondered whether she should get her breasts checked as a precaution.
“I went to see her while she was in the hospital following surgery and she asked if I had received a mammogram lately. Of course I told her the truth. She said don’t be crazy – go and get one!”
After getting a mammogram, Rita received an unexpected call and was told she would need to go back to Geelong to speak with a doctor.