Non-melanoma skin cancers – your questions answered

Dr Vanessa Estall and Dr Ian Irving / 14 Dec, 2020

Facebook Live with Dr Ian Irving and Dr Vanessa Estall

Icon Radiation Oncologist Dr Vanessa Estall recently appeared live on the Icon Cancer Centre Facebook page, where she answered questions about Australia’s most common cancer – non-melanoma skin cancer. Dr Estall was joined by Icon Group Medical Director Dr Ian Irving.

Throughout the video, Dr Estall answered a variety of questions from our patients, including:

  • 4.16 – Which types of cancers do non-melanoma skin cancers include and how are they different from melanoma?
  • 5.33 – How common is melanoma skin cancer and why is it considered so dangerous?
  • 7.01 – What are the causes of Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) and where do they most commonly occur on the body?
  • 8.01 – What happens if a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is left untreated?
  • 8.27 – What is a Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and which parts of the body are they most commonly found? Why are Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC) so dangerous and potentially life-threatening if left untreated?
  • 10.25 – What is the most common type of skin cancer in Australia? Of these, which types of skin cancers spread most easily?
  • 12.11 – How can you reduce your risk of developing skin cancer?
  • 13.53 – When should you start getting skin checks?
  • 14.30 – Why are people more likely to have another skin cancer if they’ve had one in the past?
  • 15.25 – How much time do you need to spend in the sun to get enough Vitamin D?
  • 18.05 – What do Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCC) and Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) look like and where do they most commonly occur on the body?
  • 22.02 – Are there any skin cancer check apps on your mobile phone that you would recommend for skin cancer screening and diagnosis? Which types of health professionals should I go to for a skin check?
  • 24.55 – What happens if non-melanoma skin cancers are left untreated? Are they potentially life-threatening?
  • 28.20 – What are the treatment options for non-melanoma skin cancers?
  • 29.58 – What are the pros and cons of surgery and radiation therapy as treatment options for early superficial non-melanoma skin cancers?
  • 34.31 – What other types of treatments are there available for non-melanoma skin cancers? What about topical therapies, such as creams and lotions?
  • 36.46 – I’ve had two BCCs (Basal Cell Carcinomas) on my face that have been cut out. Should I have skin checks more often than yearly?
  • 39.13 – Is using a sunscreen with SPF15+ good enough protection or should you go up to a SPF30 or SPF50?
  • 41.45 – Why do people get skin cancer on parts of the body that have never been in the sun, for example the soles of the feet?
  • 45.52 – What are some of the rare genetic syndromes where skin cancer runs in families?
  • 48.02 – If I am on immunosuppressive medication or have had treatment for a haematological disorder such as chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or myelodysplasia, am I at increased risk of skin cancer?
  • 50.39 – If I’ve had a BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma) on my face removed, can it come back?
  • 52.28 – What are the different types of radiation therapy that can be used to treat skin cancer?
  • 56.35 – What does VMAT stand for and how does it work to treat non-melanoma skin cancer?

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